Passionist Nuns

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Remembering Our Foundresses

In his homily for October 7, feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the 73rd anniversary of our community’s foundation in Owensboro, our chaplain had some inspiring words to share. Fr. Lou drew out the connection between the life of the Passionist and the mysteries of the Rosary, lived in union with Mary. Here are his thoughts, along with some photos of our community’s prayers in the cemetery for the souls of our valiant sisters who paved the way for this blessed Passionist monastic family!

Passionist Nuns tend to focus primarily on the Sorrowful Mysteries, but not the exclusion of the other three sets of mysteries.

At the Foot of the Cross with Mary they like her become spiritual mothers and through their prayers, contemplation and sacrifice in union with Christ crucified bring to birth Christ the Head in souls as well as His mystical Body the Church.

This bringing to birth of both the Head and the members encompasses both the Joyful and the Glorious mysteries, which make up our two readings for today.

Like all mothers and most eminently the Blessed Virgin Mary, they accompany their spiritual children along their pilgrim journey, which is represented in the Luminous Mysteries and in Glorious Mysteries especially that of Pentecost.

73 years ago on this very day the Passionist Nuns came to the Diocese of Owensboro and established a monastery under the patronage of St. Joseph and for those same 73 years they have faithfully kept watch at the foot of the Cross being spiritual mothers in our presence. They have lived through Christ, in Christ and with Christ in union with Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart Mary bringing to birth and nurturing Christ the Head and His church in this diocese and, like Mary, they have done so in a very hidden and humble way.

May you have many more fruitful years at the foot of the Cross contemplating your Crucified Bridegroom through the eyes of Mary, our Sorrowful Mother, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Fr. Lou Caporiccio, CPM
October 7, 2019