Pope Clement XIV to the First Passionist Nuns

  May the Passion of Jesus Christ be imprinted and graven in your minds and in your hearts, as your emblem and distinctive adornment. In it consists the strength and beauty of your Institute. Place all your attention, all your study, all your delight in this meditation. If you have the Passion and Death of our Divine Redeemer ever before your eyes, nothing will ever be irksome or disagreeable for you. Even in the midst of trials and anguish indigenous to life, meditation on your Guide and Spouse will produce in you the fruits of interior peace and gladness...When in this manner you are crucified to the world and the world to you, when in purity of heart, simplicity and mutual accord you live solely for Jesus Christ, your Spouse, when you have conformed your conduct perfectly to the Rules of your Institute, your convent will diffuse everywhere a pleasing fragrance of virtue and sweetness.