Vocation Storybook, Part 2: The Little Girl Who Loved to Sing

Wow - We have gotten some great comments about the Vocation Storybook! I even got an email today from a woman who gave us a tip of how to publish it - thanks Gretchen! (our sweet Valentine lady :) )  Hmmm...I wonder if I should get a copyright on this?Half the Sisters are in an 8-day retreat right now (they are the Marys and we are the Marthas) but when their retreat is over Tuesday I look forward to sharing with them all your encouraging words - thanks!

Now for Part 2...

This is the second story in our series of three vocation “storybooks.” To read the first story (and the origins of the storybooks) you can click here.Vocation Storybook, Part 1

Part 2: The Little Girl Who Loved to Sing

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of a Great King, there lived a little girl who loved to sing.

She sang in the morning and in the afternoon. She sang at home, at school, and at play. She sang in the bathtub and she sang at the dinner table. She sang EVERYWHERE!

You see, she thought that everything got better when it was made into a song.

Joyful things got more joyful, and beautiful things got more beautiful. Even when things went wrong and someone was sad, a song could help them find happiness again. So she wanted to learn how to make everything into a song.

The little girl loved singing so much that someday, she wanted to be a famous singer. She wanted to travel around the world, sharing beautiful music with everyone who would listen.

So, she set about taking music lessons to learn to sing as beautifully as she could. She asked the best teachers she could find to help her, and she spent many years looking for the most beautiful songs to sing. She even learned different languages to sing in.

One day, while she was busy with all this learning, suddenly the Great King came up and spoke to her, “My child, I have heard how much you love to sing.”

The girl was amazed. When the King spoke, His voice was like the most beautiful song she had ever heard.

His voice sounded like a whole orchestra playing together, like the song of the majestic torrents of a waterfall, like the song of rainbows arching out of a thunderstorm. And when He stopped speaking, His song did not stop. Somehow, His silence was even MORE beautiful!

The King spoke again, “I have also seen how much you want to make everything into a song. I am here to invite you to come to my palace and learn to sing with me.”

Now the little girl was even more amazed! “Dear King,” she whispered, feeling very small and ordinary indeed, “You have such a beautiful and majestic voice, a voice as big as your whole kingdom! And I have such a tiny voice! How can I possibly sing your songs with you?”

The good King smiled, and His smile was like the song of the most beautiful sunrise in the world.

“If you come to my palace,” He replied, “I will give you my own voice to sing with, so that you will be able to sing my songs, and the songs of all my people.”

The girl’s eyes widened. “Your own voice, my King? Your voice like a whole orchestra playing together?”

“Yes,” the King smiled.

“And your own songs, my King? Your songs that even make the silence beautiful?”

“Yes,” he replied again, “Come, and learn my music!”

The little girl went with the King to His palace, where she joined a whole choir of others who were learning to sing with the King. They sang together in His great throne room eight times every day, and they sang songs that were written by the King Himself in His great Book.

The girl noticed that even when she was in other parts of the palace, working or playing or eating or sleeping, the songs from the throne room kept singing in her heart.

Just like the King had said, His songs began to make beautiful music out of everything the girl and her companions did all day long.

And the King really did give them His voice. When they sang, their voices sounded like a whole orchestra playing together, like the song of the majestic torrents of a waterfall, like the song of rainbows arching out of a thunderstorm. Even when they stopped singing, their song did not stop. Somehow, their silence was even MORE beautiful!