Holy Week 2017 - Easter Sunday

Hail, thou festive, ever venerable day! Whereon hell is conquered and heaven is won by Christ.

Lo! Our earth is in her spring; bearing thus her witness that, with her Lord, she has all her gifts restored.

For now the woods with their leaves and the meadows with their flowers, pay homage to Jesus’ triumph over the gloomy tomb.

Light, firmament, fields and sea, give justly praise to the God that defeats the laws of death, and rises above the stars.

The crucified God now reigns over all things; and every creature to its Creator tells a prayer.

-From an ancient Easter hymn, Salve, festa dies by Venantius Fortunatus

Around the monastery, all creation seems to have put on its finest garments to celebrate the glory of Easter, and we gladly join the festivities with our hymn of praise.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Alleluia, Alleluia!