Jesus Became a Pre-Born Child for Us

Pope Benedict has initiate an historic call for prayer for all Nascent Human Life - basically a world-wide prayer movement to bring an end to abortion. We will be participating in this prayer event this evening with Eucharistic adoration, blessing of the Advent wreathe, First Vespers of Advent, Rosary and Benediction. How I love being Catholic! There are so many ways to express our solidarity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world - even our little brothers and sisters in the womb! We join our voices with Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula, interim president of Human Life International. "We recognize with the Holy Father that as the assaults on human life that are accelerating around the world have evil as their root cause, the most powerful response we in the Church can make is to pray in unity for an end to the assault.  Prayer grounds us in the only Power that can ultimately defeat the one behind the culture of death, so we are grateful to be united with the Holy Father in this historic event.”
