Vestition (and Some Profession) Photos!

Hopefully we haven’t kept you waiting too long for photos of Holly’s Vestition last week! Enjoy pictures of the joyous occasion and the radiant new novice, Sr. Isabel Maria!

And lest you think we’ve forgotten about posting photos from Sr. Maria Faustina’s Perpetual Profession on December 8th, here are a few “sneak peeks” to whet your appetite …

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Holly's New Name

The glorious day has finally come - Postulant Holly received the holy habit and her new religious name this morning! We give thanks to God for the great gift of a second Vestition in one year, and we look forward to sharing pictures of the joyous new novice with you soon. In the meantime, enjoy a reflection written by Holly on the name by which she will now be known …

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"Lectio Divina" of our Chapel

Earlier this month, Sr. Rosemary, OP (a Dominican Sister of St. Cecilia) began giving a series of classes to some of our Sisters in formation. The topic? The Wellspring of Worship, Fr. Jean Corban’s classic work on the liturgy. This beautiful book is based on the image of the River of Life — that is, the love of the Holy Trinity — as it overflows into our world, particularly by means of the Church’s daily liturgy.

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