We Give Thee Thanks, Almighty God

An early Christmas gift to you (before it becomes completely out of season), some pictures of our monastery celebration of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day is always an adventure - we celebrate this day of gratitude with a Gaudeamus Day, free from work and full of sisterly fun. This year, some of the younger nuns along with our postulant, Theresa, went on an expedition in search of pine needles to mulch some garden beds.

I think they found what they were looking for, and a little fun besides!

During the morning, everyone jotted down funny titles for one another, inspired by Theresa’s comics from some months ago. Then, during our meals, we took turns reading the titles and guessing who they described. Here are some photos from our festive meals, with a sampling of the titles we came up with - click the photos to view the titles. (Not everyone was captured on film, but everyone was re-titled - those without photos are listed below)

And for the rest of the community:

Sister Mary Veronica of the Young Ones

Sister Therese Marie of the Mary Poppins Pockets

Sister Cecilia Maria of the Vocaleses

Sister Frances Marie of the Broken Wristwatch

Theresa of the Holy Jumper

Christie of the Puzzled Visitors