Welcome, Hannah!

There has been a new face around the monastery lately — and a ponytail in the midst of all the veils …

We welcome with joy our newest aspirant, Hannah, who on Pentecost Sunday entered formally into this period of deeper discernment with our community! Women in our aspirancy program (which lasts at least 12 months) continue to live in the world, but they also come for live-in visits to the monastery and begin taking classes with our Novice Directress, Sr. Mary Veronica. It is a special time that the Church asks all contemplative religious to provide for young women seeking to embrace the cloistered vocation. It is a chance for the candidate to get to know the monastic community and to be gradually initiated into our charism and customs, so that she can “discern more clearly the will of God through the immediate experience of Passionist life.”

Please keep Hannah in your prayers as she takes this new step in her journey with the Lord!