Going Back To Our Roots

Abbey and Sr. Miriam Esther with their Lenten project

Oftentimes, our novitiate members will prepare a Lenten project to help us all enter more deeply into the spirit of this season of greater prayer and penance. This year, Sr. Miriam Esther and aspirant Abbey are taking us “back to our roots” by providing quotations from our holy founder, St. Paul of the Cross, for each day of Lent. These sayings provide a little food for thought, and will gradually adorn a ribbon vine they wove around a crucifix in our main corridor of the monastery - come Easter, it will be in full-leaf and full-bloom! Likewise, by taking these precious tidbits of wisdom to heart, we hope our souls will be ready to bloom in the life and light radiating from the Risen Christ at the culmination of these blessed forty days.