Clothing and Naming of Christie Anna Carmichael


The above image greeted us in the refectory as we came for breakfast on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on December 8th.  Christie Anna was saying "Ciao".

At 10:30 that morning we began our Passionist Vestition Ceremony.

“Christie Anna, what do you ask from us?”

“Through the mercy of God, I desire to receive the holy habit, and to enter the novitiate, that I may follow Christ Crucified wholeheartedly in the Institute of the Religious of the Passion of Jesus Christ.”

“Let us pray…Lord God, You give us the desire to hear and answer Your call. Listen favorably to the prayers of Your servant, Christie Anna, as she asks to join our community. Grant that our life in common may become a communion of love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

"From this day forward you will be known as Sister Maria Faustina of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary."

Be on the watch for a future blog post in which Sr. Maria Faustina will explain the meaning of her new name and title.