Pray for our soon-to-be postulant!

    That's right...our aspirant, Ane Kirstine, (whom you can find out more about by visiting her blog: Quantitative Metathesis) has been accepted to enter the postulancy which means she will be officially entering the monastery in January! Currently she is home (in Washington State) with her parents and beloved sister Whitney, tying up loose ends and preparing to happily return to enter the cloister shortly after Christmas, to join us at the foot of the cross and spend her life in worship and intercession. Please keep her and all her dear family and friends in your prayers during this time of transition. God reward you!  Ane Kirstine - Happy Anniversary on the Feast of St. Lucy! The anniversary of your entrance in the arms of Holy Mother Church!

Enjoying an intense game of croquet on the Feast of Blessed Pius Campidelli, C.P.

    Recently we had a professional video company film a one minute vocation ad for our community featuring Sr. Rose Marie. She did VERY well. Sometime you might see her pop up on your screen if you ever watch EWTN. Join us in praying EWTN will air this ad regularly as a filler so that more people can become aware of our existence in the Church. And of course, our main goal is to present Passionist life as a wonderful option for those young women who are discerning a religious vocation.  By the way, I am in touch with several young women who are interested in Passionist life. Please pray in particular for Liz who we hope will be able to come for a visit in 2010. She, like Sr. Rose Marie, is from Texas! Please offer a prayer for her and for all the young women whom God is calling to join our monastic family.

    December 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe!  This year is the 10th anniversary of the entrustment of our continent and its future to our Lady of Guadalupe by Pope John Paul II. He called her the "Star of the New Evangelization" for God sent her to Mexico to end human sacrifice and to convert 9 million persons from pagan worship to Catholicism in 10 years!  May He send her once again to our continent to conquer the culture of death and make us a continent of life with dignity and freedom for ALL. AMEN!  Our Lady of Guadalupe, we love you; pray for us!