Passionist Nuns

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Storming Heaven for the Tornado Victims

This storm-battered bookmark is among the debris which landed on our property. Poignantly, it is printed with the well-known “Footprints in the Sand” meditation. Who knows how far it was carried before coming to rest here at the Foot of the Cross?

As most of you probably already know, Western Kentucky was ravaged by severe tornadoes last Friday night/Saturday morning. Thanks be to God, our monastery was spared and all the nuns are safe — however, for many others in this part of the country, the damage was catastrophic and even deadly. The record-breaking “quad-state tornado” passed about 20 miles south of us.

At times like this, our hearts are breaking for those who are suffering the loss of homes, businesses, and especially loved ones. As contemplative Passionists, we see Christ Crucified in each of these people, and we strive to support them not only by material aid, but especially by our fervent prayer and sacrifices on their behalf. Let us each one unite in imploring God to grant eternal rest to the deceased, as well as consolation and swift aid to those still living.

Below are some images of items that blew onto our grounds during the storm, giving silent reminders of the tragedy faced by so many. Be sure to click and read the captions, as you may be able to help return some special photos to their rightful owners.