Nun Runs and Kitchen Woes

Where does the time go? Can you believe I had this almost ready to post on Monday?  and now it is Saturday...and the vigil of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

Last week brought us two fabulous Nun Runs - one from Texas A&M - travelling to 11 different monasteries! And the one below from University of Miami - the called their trip "Nun Run Light" - as they only visited 4 or 5 communities.  There are great Catholic things going on at these colleges. Praise God. And these ladies are fabulous!  Each one desiring to find, follow and fulfill the Lord's plan for their lives. Keep praying some of them return for a follow up visit.




Thought you would enjoy seeing the cute poster designed by Sr. Cecilia Maria to welcome Sr. John Mary back to the kitchen after her 8 day retreat.





The scenes depicted above really happened - although, not all at the same time.

Any guesses as to what happened in the kitchen while half the Sisters were in retreat?